• Home shifting is a daunting and stressful task, but with the right service provider, it can be a smooth and hassle-free experience. Here are the terms and conditions that a service person must adhere to for a home shifting service:
  • Time and Date of Shift: The service person must agree to the time and date of the shift, as specified by the customer. Any changes to the schedule must be communicated and agreed upon by both parties.
  • Packing and Loading: The service person must provide all necessary materials for packing, including boxes, tapes, and packing materials. The customer's belongings must be packed and loaded into the moving truck with care and caution, to prevent any damage.
  • Transport of Goods: The service person must ensure that the customer's belongings are transported to the new location in a safe and secure manner. The goods must be protected from the elements, and any damage must be reported to the customer.
  • Unpacking and Setting Up: Upon arrival at the new location, the service person must unpack the customer's belongings and set them up as per the customer's instructions. Any damages or missing items must be reported to the customer.
  • Payment Terms: The service person must agree to the payment terms specified by the customer, including the amount and method of payment. Any additional charges must be agreed upon by both parties in advance.
  • Confidentiality: The service person must maintain confidentiality regarding the customer's personal information and belongings. No information or photographs can be shared or published without the customer's consent.
  • Conduct: The service person must conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner, and must not engage in any activities that may cause harm or damage to the customer's belongings or property.
  • Cancellation Policy: The service person must agree to the cancellation policy specified by the customer, including any fees or charges. In the event of a cancellation, the service person must make every effort to minimize any costs to the customer.
  • Complaints and Disputes: Any complaints or disputes regarding the home shifting service must be resolved in a prompt and amicable manner. The service person must take all necessary steps to resolve any issues, and must keep the customer informed throughout the process.
  • In conclusion, a home shifting service is a complex and challenging task that requires careful planning, attention to detail, and a commitment to customer satisfaction. By adhering to these terms and conditions, a service person can provide a smooth and stress-free home shifting experience to their customers.
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  • Sign in your account or register it first.
  • Select the service which you need.
  • Select the quantity.
  • Submit it to us.